Confirmation is the last Sacrament in our blessed series of what we call our "Initiation Sacraments". It is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit wherein our gift of faith received at Baptism and nurtured through Eucharist and reconciliation, is strengthened and "Confirmed".
If you are an adult who is seeking more information on Confirmation, please consider The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). For information about our RCIA program, please click here.
If you are visiting our site because your child is approaching high school, welcome! Here is some of what you'll want to know:
The two year Confirmation program is for students in grades nine and ten, regardless of where they attend high school. It consists of approximately ten classes plus one retreat for the first year candidates, and twelve classes plus one retreat during the second year. The candidates meet in a large group following the 5:30 p.m. Youth Mass and break out into small groups led by a catechist and two peer ministers. The peer ministers are the youth of Assumption who have already received Confirmation; typically 11th and 12th graders under the guidance of the Director of Assumption Youth Ministry. Candidates are also asked to acquire at least 25 hours of community service over a two year period.
Please contact Clare Ettensohn, Youth Minister, at [email protected].