The New Directory for Catechesis identifies three areas of family catechesis: “in the family,” “with the family,” and “of the family.” (DC 227-231) These areas recognize that all members of the family are on a journey of faith and that “in and among families, the gospel message should always resound.”
Please be certain you are registered with the parish. You can register online at Assumption Parish Registration. Then, return to this page and choose the appropriate link below. K through 8th Grade Forming Faithful Families Keeping in mind that parents are the primary educators of their children when it comes to our Roman Catholic faith, we value your commitment and look forward to partnering with you. Because Mass is the greatest and richest form of catechesis, we will provide 12 dates for "Mass & Class" for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade on Sunday mornings. All families are strongly encouraged to attend 10 a.m. Mass. Kindergarten through 6th graders will have class immediately following Mass at Assumption School until 12 noon. Grades 7 & 8 will have class immediately following Mass in the Parish Center until 12:15. There will be three additional dates built into the calendar for Family Faith Formation sessions for all grades. Sacramental Prep for 2nd graders will have additional parent/child sessions built into their calendar of lessons.
We are asking each family to please pay a tuition fee of $200 for your first child, $35 for each additional child with a $270 maximum. There is an additional $75 fee for each 2nd grader to cover the cost of their Sacramental prep workbook, chalice, and banner.
Pre -K 3 to 6th Grade - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori approach to faith formation based on Scripture and Liturgy (Mass) and is part of the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in the United States. To learn more please see the CGSUSA website or the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Section of our parish website or visit our Instagram page at #cgsprogramassumptionchurch. Register here for new 3, 4, 5 year old and Kindergarten participants as well as children through sixth grade. Sessions are held September-May on Sunday mornings and evenings, Tuesday afternoons and Friday afternoons. Sacramental Preparation is offered during the second year of Level II. Please contact Tara Speer, Coordinator of CGS, for more information or to arrange for a tour at [email protected]. Click here to register.
Confirmation Our Confirmation programis for Year One (9th grade) and Year Two (10th grade) candidates of the parish, regardless of where they attend high school. All candidates are experted to attend the Sunday 5:30 p.m. Youth Mass followed by class until 8 p.m. Contact Colette Geraghty, [email protected] for more information. Click here to register.
No one will ever be denied Faith Formation because of an inability to pay. Contact Linda to discuss, before you register.
NOTE: Returning families will be able to access their online account once one of the above registration options is chosen. Please update/change information where necessary.